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A newsletter to promote a new blog post

A newsletter to promote a new blog post

Marketing sub-category
Email marketing
ChatGPT 4


The common approach here would be to ask ChatGPT to write a newsletter that promotes a blog post. However, we have found that this approach generates boring and overly promotional emails that are just a bullet point summary of the actual post. We use a slighly different prompt and attempt to generate an insightful newsletter that adds value as a standalone piece. You can later add a segway link to your post.

We just published a new blog post on our blog. Please browse the post [post URL] Then, write an educational newsletter of at least 4 paragraphs based on the topic and interesting insights shared in the post, but without promoting the actual post too much. We want to educate users and casually entice them to click on the newsletter to check the blog post.

Sample query

We just published a new blog post on our blog. Please browse the post Then, write an educational newsletter of at least 4 paragraphs based on the topic and interesting insights shared in the post, but without promoting the actual post too much. We want to educate users and casually entice them to click on the newsletter to check the blog post.

Sample response

Understanding the psychology of colors is a game-changer in email marketing. Colors do more than just beautify; they evoke emotions, influence perceptions, and significantly impact user actions. For instance, blue can inspire trust and security, making it a fantastic choice for financial services emails. On the other hand, red might increase energy levels and urgency, perfect for clearance sales or urgent updates.

The strategic application of these insights can revolutionize the way we design our email campaigns. It's not just about making emails look attractive; it's about creating a visual narrative that aligns with your message's intent. This narrative can guide user behavior, subtly leading them towards the desired action, whether it's signing up, making a purchase, or simply staying engaged with your content.

Moreover, color psychology isn't a one-size-fits-all tool. Cultural differences, for example, play a crucial role in how colors are perceived. This means that for global campaigns, understanding your audience's background is key to choosing the right palette.

For those intrigued by how color psychology can elevate your email marketing, diving deeper into this subject can provide valuable strategies and insights. It's a fascinating exploration that blends art, psychology, and marketing strategy into a cohesive whole, aiming to create more impactful and resonant email experiences.