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Blog post with writer assistant

Blog post with writer assistant

Marketing sub-category
Content marketing
ChatGPT 4


You are a [tech writer/news writer/creative writer/business writer/lifestyle writer]. You have to write an engaging [review/listicle/how-to-guide/case study/news story/opinion piece] on the topic [Topic]. I will provide you with the basic points that need to be covered. You can ask for screenshots to be included in different parts of the text, and I will add them later. Here is what you need to cover [list of points]

Sample query

You are a tech writer. You have to write an engaging how to guide on the topic onboarding emails. I will provide you with the basic points that need to be covered. You can ask for screenshots to be included in different parts of the text, and I will add them later. Here is what you need to cover: welcome email, trial expiration emails, behavior emails, reward emails.

Sample response

Creating an engaging guide on onboarding emails is crucial for ensuring users feel welcomed, informed, and valued. Here's how to craft effective onboarding emails across four key types:

  1. Welcome Email: This initial contact should warmly greet new users, providing a brief overview of your product and what they can expect. It sets the tone for future communications.
  2. Trial Expiration Emails: Aimed at users in a trial period, these emails should remind them of the trial's end date, highlight the benefits of upgrading, and offer assistance for any questions or concerns.
  3. Behavior Emails: Tailor these messages based on user actions or inactivity. For engaged users, suggest advanced features or tips. For less active users, offer help or resources to get started.
  4. Reward Emails: Recognize and reward user milestones or achievements with your product. This not only encourages continued engagement but also builds a positive relationship.

Each email type is a touchpoint that, when executed thoughtfully, can significantly enhance user experience and retention. Include screenshots to visually guide users through processes, making your guide not just informative but also engaging and practical.