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Check how SEO optimized a post is

Check how SEO optimized a post is

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ChatGPT 4


CONTEXT: You are SEO Checker GPT, an SEO professional who helps Solopreneurs make their blog articles more SEO-friendly. You are a world-class expert in finding SEO issues and giving recommendations on how to fix them. GOAL: I want you to analyze my blog article and give me recommendations on improving its SEO. I need this information to rank better at Google. FORMAT OF OUR INTERACTION 1. I will provide you with the source code of my blog article 2. You will analyze the page source code 3. You will give me a holistic analysis of its SEO in the checklist format: - SEO score from 1 to 10 - What is done right - What is done wrong SEO CHECKLIST CRITERIA: - Your checklist should have 20-30 criteria - Be specific and concise. Your criteria should be self-explanatory - Include numbers in the criteria if it's applicable - Focus on SEO practices that have the biggest impact on ranking - Prioritize SEO practices that are widely recognizable by the SEO community - Don't include irrelevant SEO practices with zero to no impact on this article RESPONSE STRUCTURE: ## SEO Score ## What's done right ✅ Criteria ✅ Criteria ✅ Criteria ## What's done wrong ❌ Criteria ❌ Criteria ❌ Criteria RESPONSE FORMATTING: Follow the response structure. ARTICLE SOURCE CODE (everything within “ “): ”[add article here]

Sample query

CONTEXT: You are SEO Checker GPT, an SEO professional who helps Solopreneurs make their blog articles more SEO-friendly. You are a world-class expert in finding SEO issues and giving recommendations on how to fix them.

GOAL: I want you to analyze my blog article and give me recommendations on improving its SEO. I need this information to rank better at Google.


  1. I will provide you with the source code of my blog article
  2. You will analyze the page source code
  3. You will give me a holistic analysis of its SEO in the checklist format:
  • SEO score from 1 to 10
  • What is done right
  • What is done wrong


  • Your checklist should have 20-30 criteria
  • Be specific and concise. Your criteria should be self-explanatory
  • Include numbers in the criteria if it's applicable
  • Focus on SEO practices that have the biggest impact on ranking
  • Prioritize SEO practices that are widely recognizable by the SEO community
  • Don't include irrelevant SEO practices with zero to no impact on this article


SEO Score

What's done right

✅ Criteria ✅ Criteria ✅ Criteria

What's done wrong

❌ Criteria ❌ Criteria ❌ Criteria

RESPONSE FORMATTING: Follow the response structure.

ARTICLE SOURCE CODE (everything within “ “): ”Wearing good shoes can help you feel your best and prevent injuries. Shoe choice can affect your whole body, not just your feet.

Kelsey Gaston, licensed physical therapist at the University Health Center, shares advice on how to find a proper shoe:

  1. Choose a shoe with a firm foundation

Shoes ground the body like the foundation of a house. If a house is built on a mushy, soft foundation, the house will become wobbly and off-kilter. The same will happen to your body if you choose a shoe with a squishy base. Test a shoe’s foundation by gently bending it at the toe. If it folds in half, that’s a sign it’s too soft. If it bends somewhat but stays mostly rigid, it has good support.

  1. Make sure it has arch support

Certain trendy shoes like Vans, Chucks and others have a flat sole, which can cause pain over time. Shoes with arches provide support across the bottom of your foot, giving you greater balance and stability.

It’s better to choose a shoe with a built-in arch rather than adding an insert. If you must buy an insert, avoid purchasing off the shelf from a big-box store. Visit a specialty store instead, like the Lincoln Running Company, where they can fit your foot for the proper insole.

  1. Go for laces

Generally, shoes that lace up are preferred over slip-ons because they provide better support and hold your foot in place to the sole of a shoe. Birkenstocks sandals, for example, have an arch but won’t protect your feet as well as a tennis shoe or running shoe.

  1. Buy for your foot type and comfort level

Don’t buy a shoe simply because it’s your favorite color, it’s on sale or a friend suggested it. Choose one that is most comfortable for you.

Start by having your foot measured by a professional at a shoe store to determine the size and width you need. Get remeasured at least once every few years because your foot size and shape can change over time.

Next, try on different brands and styles to find one that feels most comfortable to you. Don’t let brand loyalty keep you from exploring your options.

As a guideline, avoid shoes that have a narrow toe box and don’t provide at least a finger-width gap between your big toe and the shoe’s edge. Remember to stand up and walk around in the shoes to see what they feel like when your foot lies flat.

  1. Replace old, worn shoes

Shoes don’t last forever. Upgrade when the texture on the bottom of your shoes begins to wear around the heels or balls of your feet. When you toss your old shoes, use this as an opportunity to try on new brands and styles. In some cases, your tried-and-true favorite is still the right shoe for you or maybe you will find a new favorite. Keep an open mind.

  1. Be intentional about high heels

It’s no secret that heels cause stress on the body, especially when worn over long periods of time. When possible, pick flats over heels. If you choose to wear heels, have a friend drop you off at the venue or park close by so you don’t have to walk long distances in your shoes. Better yet, wear walking shoes to the venue and switch into your heels before you go in.

  1. Get help when you have pain

Improper shoes can cause pain not only in the feet but also in the calves, shins, knees, hips and lower back. If you notice this pain, upgrade to a properly fitted, comfortable new tennis shoe or athletic shoe first. If you’re still experiencing pain, it may be time to see a physical therapist.

The University Health Center physical therapy team helps students manage a variety of pains and strains related to everyday student life. If you think you could benefit from their services, talk to a doctor at the health center or elsewhere to get a physical therapy order. Once you have the order in hand, call 402.472.5000 to schedule a physical therapy appointment. Visit the website to learn more about their services and get tips for staying well. ”

Sample response

Given the provided article source code, I'll evaluate its SEO based on common and impactful SEO practices. This evaluation will focus on content structure, keyword optimization, HTML tagging, and other relevant SEO factors.

SEO Score


What's done right

Focused Topic: The article has a clear, focused topic on choosing the right shoes, which is good for targeted SEO. ✅ Structured Content: The use of numbered tips provides a clear structure, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand the content. ✅ Internal Linking: Mention of linking to a website (though specifics are not shown in the source code provided) suggests an attempt at internal linking.

What's done wrong

Title Tag Missing: No HTML title tag is mentioned, which is crucial for SEO as it helps search engines understand the content's topic. ❌ Meta Description Missing: There's no meta description provided, which is important for click-through rates from search engine results pages (SERPs). ❌ Heading Tags Misuse: The absence of H1 or other heading tags in the provided content makes it harder for search engines to understand the content hierarchy. ❌ Keyword Optimization Lacking: There's no clear indication of keyword research or optimization for relevant terms like "choosing the right shoes" or "footwear advice." ❌ Alt Text for Images Missing: Assuming images might be part of the blog, there's no mention of using alt text for SEO and accessibility. ❌ External Links Absent: There's no mention of linking out to authoritative sources, which could add credibility and value. ❌ No SEO-friendly URLs Indicated: The article doesn't mention URLs, but it's important they include relevant keywords and are readable. ❌ No Mobile Optimization Mentioned: It's critical for SEO today, yet there's no indication the content is optimized for mobile users. ❌ Lack of Social Sharing Buttons: Encouraging sharing on social media can boost visibility but isn't mentioned here. ❌ Content Freshness Unclear: It's important to regularly update content to remain relevant, but there's no indication of this practice. ❌ User Engagement Features Missing: Features like comments or forums to engage readers and keep them on the page longer are not mentioned. ❌ Page Load Speed Optimization: There's no mention of optimizing images or other content to ensure fast loading times, which affects SEO. ❌ Schema Markup Not Used: Implementing schema markup can help search engines better understand and display content but isn't mentioned. ❌ Rich Snippets Optimization: There's no attempt to optimize for rich snippets, which can increase visibility in SERPs. ❌ Canonical Tags Absence: Essential for avoiding duplicate content issues but not mentioned in the provided content. ❌ Sitemap and Robots.txt: No mention of these technical SEO elements, which help search engines crawl and index the site effectively. ❌ HTTPS Security: Not mentioned, but HTTPS is a ranking factor and important for user trust. ❌ Local SEO Optimization: For businesses with a physical location, local SEO elements like Google My Business listings are crucial but not applicable here. ❌ Content Length and Depth: The content should be comprehensive enough to cover the topic thoroughly, but there's no indication of content depth. ❌ Engagement Metrics Monitoring: There's no mention of using tools like Google Analytics to monitor user behavior and adjust SEO strategies accordingly. ❌ Backlink Strategy: Acquiring high-quality backlinks is essential for SEO but isn't addressed in the content provided.

To improve the SEO score, consider addressing the identified issues by adding missing HTML tags (like title and meta descriptions), optimizing for keywords, structuring content with proper heading tags, and implementing other mentioned best practices.